what the fuck result.
i dont even better than a sohai
how come??
am i that bad??
have i tried my best??
i do not know...
so why...
this is my reward??
how come...
how come...
i got no usage...
actually im quite hate those ppl who always ask me to 'zai jie zai li'
i've been heard these words for many times...
why should i 'zai jie zai li' just because i always got the bad result.
so that's why they always ask me to...
i wish i have someone to talk to me now..
who??no one.
everyone is enjoying their own happy holidays.
but me??im suffering in my sucks holidays.
whatever lar..i really do not know how to live through without you...
great...now...i gonna 'zi bao zi qi' jor...
fuck off lar...why they treat me like that.
i got bad habits? did i call hooker just for a sex night??
did i drunk or smoking??
teardrops on my laptop...so ??
im tired.im sick of those stuffs.
nothing to be worried anymore.since everything has been already destined..
no one can ever change it.
seem like this is my own fate and destiny...
or i should just go out era walk just for a beer.?? on friday?
i wish that i could ...
im suffering.i might not have the another chance anymore...
i've failed.
all the time~~.
im so done ....
who knows??
probably no one ....